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Author: Mark Rosser

Lifts for ride-on mowers and much more

The benefits of using a lift to raise mowing machinery to safe height not only makes working on this type of equipment in your workshop more practical and efficient. It just makes sense. No more straining to locate the parts that need attention, No more kneeling on a hard, cold floor, and no more propping up precariously on some random contraption..

What’s on the market?

A variety of weird and wonderful variations exist. But when in making an investment that can be vital for the safety of your workforce and the quality of maintenance and repairs in your workshop why wouldn’t you opt for something that is certified, proven and built to do a specific job well.

What should you look for . . ?

  • A piece of equipment that has been specifically designed for its purpose
  • Built with quality materials and components
  • Regulated Certification or Approval in the country where it will be used
  • Adequate lifting capability – it should not be working at its limits
  • Large enough to accommodate machinery to be lifted
  • Single or three phase with correctly rated fuse.
  • Warranty and knowledgeable local after sales support
  • Proven track record
  • Remember price is not always indicative of quality
  • Customer recommendations

Where should one look . . ?

The first place to look these days tends to be the interweb, search for

Specialists in lifting equipment for professional workshops for the machinery you are trying to lift. No-one can give authoritative advice unless they are dealing day-to-day in the field. Specifications of equipment varies, most machinery has specific lifting requirements. Bear in mind…

  • safety features and compliance (LOLER etc.)
  • suitablility
  • weight and height
  • configuration of the machines’ wheels
  • access points
  • electro-hydraulic
  • scissor lift
  • two or four posts
  • electrical supply
  • cost

When you’ve taken time to consider these points make a call and talk to someone. Ask if they can provide on-site advice. Oft times you will get a good idea as to whether you are talking to someone who knowledgeable as opposed to a person reading a crib sheet or script. Don’t trust to luck – call RS Workshop Equipment!


Are there advantages for lease purchasing motorcycle equipment?

If you are considering FINANCE. A lease purchase for motorcycle (or capital) equipment, also known as a lease-to-own arrangement, offers several advantages for businesses looking to acquire expensive assets such as Workbenches, workshop cabinets and workstations, diagnostic equipment even – MOT Bays.

Here are some key benefits:

  1. Conservation of Capital: Lease purchases allow businesses to acquire necessary equipment without a significant upfront cash outlay. This preserves capital for other essential business needs such as operations, expansion, or unforeseen expenses.
  2. Cash Flow Management: Lease payments are often more manageable than a large upfront purchase, helping businesses to better forecast and manage their cash flow. This predictable expense structure can make budgeting and financial planning more straightforward.
  3. Tax Benefits: Lease payments may be tax-deductible as an operational expense, providing potential tax advantages for the business. This can vary depending on the accounting treatment and local tax regulations, so it’s essential to consult with a tax professional.
  4. Flexibility: Lease purchases offer flexibility in terms of contract duration and end-of-lease options. Depending on the agreement, businesses may have the option to purchase the equipment at the end of the lease term, return it, or upgrade to newer equipment.
  5. Technology Upgrades: In industries with rapidly advancing technology, leasing allows businesses to regularly upgrade their equipment without the hassle of selling or disposing of outdated assets. This can help maintain competitiveness and operational efficiency.
  6. Preservation of Credit Lines: Leasing does not typically require a significant down payment, which means businesses can preserve their credit lines for other purposes. This can be especially valuable for smaller businesses with limited access to credit.
  7. Risk Mitigation: Some lease agreements include maintenance and service contracts, transferring the responsibility of equipment maintenance to the leasing company. This can reduce the risk of unexpected repair costs and downtime.
  8. Asset Management: Leasing companies often specialise in managing and maintaining assets. This can free up resources within the business, as the leasing company may handle tasks such as maintenance, compliance, and disposal of the equipment.
  9. Speed of Acquisition: Lease agreements can often be processed more quickly than traditional financing options, allowing businesses to acquire the necessary equipment promptly and stay ahead of competition.
  10. Test Before Committing: Leasing provides an opportunity for businesses to test the equipment before committing to a purchase. This can be particularly beneficial when considering specialised or technologically advanced equipment.

While lease purchases offer these advantages, it’s important for businesses to carefully evaluate the terms of the lease agreement, including interest rates, end-of-lease options, and any potential additional costs. Each business’s situation and financial goals will influence whether a lease purchase is the most suitable option for acquiring capital equipment.

Ownership at the End:

Whether you will own the equipment at the end of the lease purchase agreement depends on the specific terms negotiated. In a typical lease purchase arrangement, there is an option to buy the equipment at the end of the lease term. This purchase option may involve a predetermined price or fair market value.

It’s crucial to carefully review and understand the terms and conditions of the lease agreement before entering into the contract. If ownership at the end of the lease is a priority for you, make sure to negotiate this aspect explicitly in the agreement.

NOTE: Always consult with legal and financial professionals to ensure that the terms of the lease purchase agreement align with your business goals and financial considerations.


for MOTORSCAN 6050 Diagnostic Tool Users!

Now you can take advantage of unlimited updates until the end of 2026 plus on-going support hotline.

While other manufacturers tie users in to on-going annual fees to keep their diagnostic device, tablet and PC up-to-date. Other manufacturer rely on adapting commercial application rather than develop diagnostic software especially for the Motorcycle, Scooter, MP3, ATV and Quad Industry.

MOTORSCAN are leading the way by offering a one-off fee to cover ALL new software updates until the end 2026.

  • Bring your 6050 up to the current version
  • Unlimited updates, patches and model coverage
  • Leading diagnostic power
  • Designed specifically for your workshops’ needs
  • Covers thousands of models and manufacturers
  • User friendly interface
  • No annual subscriptions saving you hundreds of £££s
  • Online connection for easy software downloads

Call us now to link your diagnostic tool to this money saving offer.

BIg Bike Lift

So you’re looking to offer your services to owners of bigger bikes, you’ll need the ultimate in hydraulic motorcycle lifts. Popular where bigger bikes are commonplace, Harley-Davidson, BMW, Triumph and more. Also the preferred choice for Police Motorcycle workshops. The EG800HCFE is a workbench of unrivalled quality and specification, designed for the workshop where, quite simply, only the best will do. This highly engineered workbench features; a greater gauge of steel to produce an exceptionally robust lift, top quality electro-hydraulic pump unit, 1.3m lifting height and drop down tail section. Space saving scissor operation by single phase electric supply – for a quiet and smooth running lift. A class leading 1.3m lifting height completes its specification. If you need it to match the CI of your bike dealership, this is an option too. This range of workbenches can also be supplied with optional ; front deck extension, side extension kit, automatic or manual front wheel clamp and tie down straps are available. The HCFE lift can be flush fitted into the floor of your workshop in conjunction with specially designed a powder coated steel frame, please call us to discuss your individual requirements.


  • Electro hydraulic operation
  • 800kg Capacity
  • 1.3m Lifting height
  • Electro-mechanical safety device
  • Front run off bar
  • Side tool holders
  • Cable operated remote control – infrared remote control option available
  • Hydraulic pipe protection
  • Rear pull out section
  • Premium Italian quality
  • Available as colour coded option
  • In-ground frame (EGFF) recommended when installing all in-ground lifts

The BEST Motorcycle Lift ?

When we are asked (on a regular basis) what does one need in the best motorcycle lift?
Every workshop whether it be a professional high volume dealership or a specialist independent has very specific needs. Realistically there is no ‘one size fits all’, but there are a number of basics to look for.

Structural materials, key components, well designed fixtures, quality moving parts, safety features, power pack, standard of finish, accessories, after sales and warranty to list but a few.


Number one should be buying the best you can afford – this is not always the most expensive. always look at the origin of the lift, the design and materials used for the lift and its components. While many lifts from the far east make claim to use top grade steel, this may not be the case.


Buyer beware – Virtually all insurers insist that a lift used in a commercial environment is CE or TUV certified, many now require LOLER checks to validate their policies. Always ensure your choice of lift has been approved and can continue to meet health and safety requirement

Form over Function

  • Having a lift that looks ‘the business’ may not mean it makes the grade.
  • Can it lift adequate weight safely
  • does it lift high enough
  • Does it have a built in safety
  • how high is it when closed
  • what accessories are available for it

Service and support

Many workshops have chosen motorcycle lifts where spares and servicing has been challenging. While some parts maybe universal or interchangeable if a major component fails they find dealing with a factory on the other side of the world, in a different time zone and possible language issues has led to a lot of wasted time and money. No one wants a lift to be out of commission for any length of time.

So what should you look for

  • A quality product that is tried and tested
  • Deal with a reputable company that actually knows what motorcyclists need
  • Ask if the reseller can service any warranty issues and do they carry spare
  • Do they offer on-site engineer attendance? – no one wants a return to base warranty.
  • A lift that matches the bikes you deal with – why by an 800kg lift when even the heaviest production machine is less than 500ks, wet!
  • Referral and recommendation – if main dealers prefer their lifts, if training academies choose a certain brand – they probably have good reason.
  • do they have a range of lifts?

Just remember the old adage – you get what you pay for!

What is a LOLER inspection and do you need one?

A LOLER inspection refers to a thorough examination of lifting equipment conducted under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) in the United Kingdom. These regulations are in place to ensure the safety of lifting equipment and related operations in the workplace. LOLER inspections are designed to prevent accidents and injuries caused by faulty or improperly maintained lifting equipment.

The key points of LOLER inspections are as follows:

  1. Applicability: LOLER applies to any equipment used for lifting or lowering loads, including cranes, forklifts, hoists, and other types of lifting machinery.
  2. Thorough Examination: LOLER inspections involve a comprehensive assessment of the lifting equipment to verify its safety and compliance with relevant regulations. The examination should be carried out by a competent person with adequate knowledge and expertise in the specific type of lifting equipment being inspected.
  3. Frequency: Lifting equipment should undergo a LOLER inspection at regular intervals, with the specific inspection frequency depending on factors such as the type of equipment, its usage, and the environment in which it operates. The intervals for examination are typically specified by the manufacturer or based on risk assessment and may vary for different equipment types.
  4. Documentation: After the examination, a written report detailing the findings, any defects identified, and recommendations for remedial actions (if necessary) should be provided. This report must be kept on record and made available to relevant authorities upon request.
  5. Responsibilities: Both the owner/user of the lifting equipment and the person responsible for the equipment’s operation (often the employer) have legal obligations under LOLER to ensure that the equipment is appropriately examined and maintained.
  6. Safety Measures: LOLER inspections focus on various safety aspects of the lifting equipment, including its strength, stability, and mechanical integrity. They also consider the correct use of accessories like slings and chains and ensure that any potential hazards are adequately addressed.

LOLER inspections play a crucial role in promoting workplace safety, reducing the risk of accidents, and ensuring that lifting equipment is fit for purpose. Companies and employers should adhere to these regulations to protect their workers and comply with the law. Keep in mind that specific requirements and regulations might vary in other countries or regions.

Zip tie tyre fitting – it’s an option

There’s a trend currently on that infamous home video site that shows ‘bikers’ fitting new rubber on to their bike wheels using multiple zip ties (cable ties) – ingenious. While this may be a way of getting that vital piece of contact material around your rim in an emergency or while you are on safari. I’m not sure it’s my preferred method. I don’t know anyone who after spending hundreds of pounds on a set of tyres immediately thinks ‘oh I’ve got a pack of zip ties somewhere and some time to kill, I’ll fit those tyres!’

Using zip ties as a temporary solution for fitting new rubber on bike wheels can indeed be considered a creative and resourceful approach in certain emergency situations or when professional assistance is not readily available. It may help ensure some level of functionality until a proper repair or replacement can be made. Or it could be a very risky endeavour.

That being said, it’s important to note that zip ties are not designed or intended to be used for mounting tires. They lack the necessary strength, stability, and durability required for optimal performance and safety. Additionally, improper installation using zip ties may lead to imbalance, uneven wear, and compromised handling of the bike. Plus you’ll still need a compressor to seat and seal the bead.

Most motorcyclists, especially those who invest in high-quality performance tyres, would typically prefer to have their tyres mounted using appropriate tools and techniques. These methods ensure proper alignment, tension, and safety standards are met, ultimately optimizing the performance and longevity of the tires.

In summary, while using zip ties as a temporary solution for fitting bike tyres in certain emergency situations can be considered ingenious, it is not a preferred method for most individuals who prioritise safety, performance, and the longevity of their tyres. If you’re serious about tyre fitting and balancing take a look here – PROFESSIONAL WHEEL SERVICE

Motorcycle Tyre Changing – made easy

T250M Motorcycle Tyre changer

The T250M Motorcycle Tyre Changer offers several advantages over cheaper machines. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Build Quality and Durability: The T250M is typically manufactured with higher-quality materials and components compared to cheaper alternatives. This ensures greater durability and longevity, making it a worthwhile investment in the long run. The robust construction allows it to handle the demands of professional use and frequent tyre changes.

  2. Enhanced Safety Features: The T250M often incorporates advanced safety features that may not be present in cheaper machines. These features can include protective guards, bead-breaker systems, and clamping mechanisms designed to prevent damage to the wheel rims or tire beads during the tyre-changing process. The emphasis on safety helps reduce the risk of accidents or tyre damage.

  3. Versatility and Compatibility: The T250M is designed specifically for motorcycle tires, which means it offers greater compatibility and versatility in handling various tire sizes and designs. It may include adjustable components and adapters to accommodate different wheel sizes, making it suitable for a wide range of motorcycles. Cheaper machines, on the other hand, may have limited compatibility or require additional accessories for specific tyre types.

  4. Ease of Use: The T250M often incorporates user-friendly features and intuitive controls, making it easier to operate and reducing the learning curve for beginners. Cheaper machines may lack these features, requiring more manual effort and skill to operate effectively.

  5. Time and Effort Efficiency: The T250M is designed to streamline the tyre-changing process, allowing for quicker and more efficient work. It may include features like powered wheel rotation, assist arms, or pneumatic functions that make tasks easier and faster to complete. This can be particularly beneficial for professional workshops or individuals who frequently change motorcycle tyres.

  6. After-Sales Support and Warranty: Higher-quality machines like the T250M often come with better after-sales support and warranties compared to cheaper alternatives. The manufacturer may provide comprehensive customer service, technical assistance, and readily available spare parts if needed. This can be advantageous in case of any issues or repairs required during the lifespan of the machine.

It’s important to note that these advantages are generally associated with higher-priced machines like the T250M. However, the specific features and advantages can vary depending on the manufacturer and model. It’s recommended to thoroughly research and compare different options to find the most suitable motorcycle tire changer based on your needs, budget, and expected usage.

For more information and advice call 01832 741007

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Your motorcycle workshop after the Isle of Man TT 2023!

After the thrills of this year’s Isle of Man TT, your motorcycle workshop can continue to make the most of the post-event enthusiasm to encourage more business. Here’s a list of things a workshop could do:

  1. Offer Post-TT Inspection and Maintenance Packages: Many riders would have put their bikes through their paces. Offer specialised post-event inspection and maintenance packages to ensure their bikes are in optimal condition after the race.
  2. Highlight Success Stories: Share success stories of riders who have used your workshop’s services for their TT preparations or post-event maintenance. Showcase their achievements and emphasize how your workshop contributed to their success.
  3. Run Promotions for Off-Season Maintenance: As the racing season winds down, many riders will be looking to prepare their bikes for storage or general maintenance. Offer discounted rates or special packages for off-season maintenance to attract customers.
  4. Collaborate with Local Motorcycle Clubs or Riding Groups: Forge partnerships with local motorcycle clubs or riding groups. Offer exclusive discounts or benefits to their members, such as priority service or special rates. Sponsor club events or rides to increase visibility and build relationships.
  5. Host Educational Workshops: Organize workshops or seminars on motorcycle maintenance, DIY repairs, or rider safety. Educate customers on essential maintenance tasks they can perform themselves, while also showcasing your workshop’s professional expertise.
  6. Expand Social Media Presence: Maintain an active social media presence and continue engaging with motorcycle enthusiasts. Share post-TT content, including race highlights, behind-the-scenes stories, and customer experiences. Encourage customers to share their post-TT stories and tag your workshop.
  7. Develop a Loyalty Program: Introduce a loyalty program to reward repeat customers. Offer incentives such as discounted services, priority booking, or exclusive access to special events. This encourages customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.
  8. Enhance Online Booking and Communication: Streamline your workshop’s online booking system and ensure prompt communication with customers. Simplify the process of scheduling appointments, obtaining quotes, and receiving updates on repairs or service progress.
  9. Participate in Local Events and Exhibitions: Take part in local motorcycle shows, exhibitions, or charity rides. Set up a booth or display your workshop’s capabilities to attract potential customers and showcase your expertise.
  10. Ensure all equipment in your workshop is in tip top condition, diagnostic tools are using the latest software (if applicable) and ready to provide, servicing, repairs and scheduled MOT inspections

Remember to adapt these suggestions to your workshop’s unique circumstances and target audience. By capitalizing on the energy and interest generated by the Isle of Man TT, you can continue to engage motorcycle enthusiasts and drive more business to your workshop

The best motorcycle lift for you!

Choosing the best motorcycle lift depends on several factors, such as the type of motorcycle you have, your budget, and the lift’s intended use. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Weight capacity

The lift you choose should have a weight capacity that is higher than the weight of your motorcycle. Make sure you know the weight of your bike before purchasing a lift.

Type of lift

There are several types of lifts available, including hydraulic lifts, air lifts, and scissor lifts. Hydraulic lifts are the most common and are known for their stability, while air lifts are easier to maneuver. Scissor lifts are portable and compact.

Size of lift

The size of the lift should be appropriate for your motorcycle. You don’t want a lift that is too small or too large, as this can lead to stability issues.


Look for a lift that is made from high-quality materials and is built to last. You want a lift that can withstand the weight of your motorcycle and can handle frequent use.

Safety features

Make sure the lift you choose has safety features such as locking mechanisms and non-slip surfaces. This will help ensure that your motorcycle stays securely in place while you are working on it.


Motorcycle lifts can range in price from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds. Consider your budget when choosing a lift, but keep in mind that investing in a high-quality lift can save you money in the long run.


Finally, read reviews from other motorcycle enthusiasts to get an idea of the pros and cons of different lifts. This can help you make an informed decision and choose the best lift for your needs.

Research the web to find the leading suppliers witrh the most positive feedback and reputation – try here!

We found that the most expensive is not always the best, similarly you get what you pay for…
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