MOTORCYCLE MOTs an affordable necessity!
Many motorcycle workshops may be missing out. With a minimum requirement of 3.2 x 4.6 metres plus a couple of other necessities such as; good access, parking, a viewing area (live or screen)…could mean your workshop benefits from another vital revenue stream.
To begin application is easy (CLICK HERE for the form).
- Crucially you’ll need a company with the expertise and experience to supply and install the equpment.
- Equipment that is approved, of quality design and manufacture, preferably fully supported and warrantied
- A good contractor to affect the groundworks (please note do not attempt any groundworks until you have ‘Approval in Principal’ from the proper authority.
- Adequate training for your examiner and centre manager
- Regular calibration of equipment (6 monthly)
Once you have, get ready to publicise your service. Not only is the MOT a vital service – the potential repairs and service work along with building a solid customer base will hopefully stand you in good stead for the future.