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Ride on Lawn Mower Lifts and Maintenance

How do you decide where to get your mowers serviced? what should you look for in a service centre?

Each year thousands of grass cutting machines cover hundreds of thousands of miles and cut tons and tons of grass cuttings. All of this work takes it’s toll on such machinery and servicing and repair becomes paramount. While some companies have in-house workshops there are also many independent service centres that work on Quads, ATVs, Mowing equipment and ground care machinery. The list vital components for any equipment workshop should start with safeguarding the health and safety of the technicians and operators. Lifting equipment must have as a minimum CE certification. When buying lawnmower workbenches and scissor lifts deal with a reputable company that supply well made equipment using quality components. 

Why would you even consider purchasing a piece of capital equipment from a company who do not offer in-depth knowledge and local support? 

Cheap equipment is cheap for a number of reasons; materials used, build quality, design, after-sales support etc. When selecting a mower lifting table and before you maker a decision consider; 

  • brand origin
  • lifting capacity
  • lifting height
  • electro hydraulic
  • foot pump
  • pneumatic
  • remote control
  • availability of spares or consumables
  • warranty
  • recommendation

With the proliferation of information and reviews on the internet make sure you do your homework. Try not to be caught in the ‘buy cheap, buy twice trap’ when you choose workshop equipment make sure it’s something upon which you can rely!

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